Have just been attending a Webinar this morning with Pat Egen from Egen Consulting.
It's been very enlightening to learn how to query the ACT! database with SQL and then build custom dashboards to display the results.
If you are using ACT!, particularly the latest version ACT! 2010, you would be amazed at what information you can display in a dashboard.
Business owners and managers are especially interested in reports. If you are collecting the data you can, in theory, report on it.
With Dashboards, the reports are live data at the time you look at it. So that means no running the report and then knowing it's out of date the minute it's printed. You can have your dashboards display as the screen that you or your sales staff see when logging into ACT!.
We look forward to developing a range of standard dashboards for our clients that will help extract more meaning and understanding from their data.
If you have any requests on for a custom dashboard, let us know.
Follow Pat on twitter www.twitter.com/pregan
Sounds very cool. Any idea when we'll get the good sauce? :)
Hi Stephen, Ben is putting together a couple of dashboards this week. I expect that we will have some stock standard ones that will be very easy for us to make available to users.
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