Wednesday, December 23, 2009
5 Add-ons to pimp your ride with ACT! in 2010
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
Sage eSummit details for ACT! by Sage

As well as highlighting the vision and future roadmaps of ACT! by Sage, eSummit will demonstrate how end-users can expand the scope and functionality of their existing ACT! by Sage solution. We are confident that Sage eSummit will add significant value to your customers' businesses.
On the day, a series of three 30-minute sessions will be presented via our Go-to-Meeting Webinar facilities. The conference will demonstrate how Sage and the Sage partner community are committed to our existing customers and are looking to add value to their businesses while times are tough.
The following agenda provides a general overview of the sessions and the respective timings:
- Opening Introduction: Start Finish Time: 09:45 - 10:00 (AEST)
- Session 1 - Taking your business 5 years into the future with ACT! by SageStart Finish Time: 10:00 - 10:30 (AEST)
- Session 2 - Driving business performance and revenue with ACT! by SageStart Finish Time: 10:40 - 11:10 (AEST)
- Session 3 - How to save money with ACT! by SageStart Finish Time: 11:20 - 11:50 (AEST)
- Closing Address:Start Finish Time: 11:50 - 12:00 (AEST)
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Transfer contacts in ACT! from one group to another [video]
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
What's New in ACT! 11.1
- ACT! to Outlook calendar copy did not update the free/busy calendar in Outlook at the end of calendar-copy for recurring activity day instances until the appointment is opened and re-saved inside Outlook.
- Previously, Outlook e-mail attach to contacts feature (including Outlook rules) matched contacts using the contact name instead of the e-mail address. This has been addressed to follow a consistent contact matching standard for both "Quick Attach" and "Attach to ACT! Contacts options. For "Quick Attach", if multiple contacts consist of the same e-mail address on any e-mail type field, the e-mail will be attached to all matching contacts. If no matching contacts exist with the same e-mail address a new contact will be created. For "Attach to ACT! Contacts", the contact picker dialog will be pre-populated and pre-selected with all matching contacts in the database.
- Items in the "Not Attached Messages" tab in the Quick Attach Progress UI were incorrectly displayed by duplicating the information in the "To:" or From:" fields.
- Images embedded inside and ACT! e-mail template appeared as attachments when sent via Outlook with Word as the e-mail editor.
- Last e-mail field did not update when e-mail history was set to "Attach to Contact"
- History was not recorded if a user performed a mail merge immediately after installing ACT! by Sage 2008 until ACT! was restarted at least once.
- E-mail Attach to Contact behaved differently when e-mail was attached to contact from within Outlook Inbox vs. opened e-mail window. In the latter case, only history was created with subject but the e-mail was not attached.
- Outlook Add-in failed to load when SQL service was disabled because it was trying to access the database engine and timing out.
- When creating a new Mail Merge template or editing and existing Mail Merge template, the Mail Merge UI was not present for the following configuration: Windows Vista® 64-bit with Microsoft Word 2003.
- Calendar Quick-print did not include the calendar title bar to clarify the day, week, or month that the calendar belonged to, for example "October 2008" or "Monday, October 13, 2008."
- Only a few controls inside the Sync Panel accepted keyboard typing as input.
- Users used to get message "ACT! Network Sync Service is unavailable. Please install the service to run sync server" when the Domain/Workgroup for the machine hosting the Network Sync Services was changed.
- In some cases, Address and Phone fields did not synchronize between main and remote databases.
- No message existed to warn users that private contacts belonging to a user will be lost when that user is deleted. The message has been added in this release.
- Updated Company-Contact Linked Fields did not function when spillover table fields are linked to a company.
- Tabbing into Data field on Contact layout changed the date value back one day if edited in a later time zone.
- Activity and History Records could not be deleted if they had a read-only file attached.
- Incorrect activity count was displayed on the calendar's statues bar due to timeless and recurring activities.
- Group and Company activities tab did not apply the correct user filter based on the selected user.
- Last attempt field did not update when manually creating a call history with "Call Left Message" status.
- History type filter did not display all histories with e-mail history types in the history grid view.
- When scheduling a new activity from Task List, the "Schedule With" was set to the Contact associated with the arbitrarily selected task as opposed to contact in the detail view.
- The Opportunity by User component incorrectly showed the custom sales cycle stages in the legend when the ACT! Sales Cycle was selected as the filter.
- When designing a new dashboard, an error message "Value cannot be null" was displayed if custom date range was chosen for default dashboard filters.
- •RTF formatting in opportunity details did not save correctly when opportunity was closed and reopened.
- Default history creation preference was not retained when using ACT! E-mail as client.
- Newly created custom activity types did not show up in the scheduling preferences dialog.
- Map to Excel on the documents tab did not work with group and company fields and displayed an ambiguous error message.
- Spillover fields were not listed in the destination fields dropdown on the Import Wizard mapping page.
- In some cases, customizing columns in list views and tabs did not retain settings. Losing column views is a pain. Glad to see they have further addressed this issue.
- Schema update from ACT! by Sage 2007 (9.0) to ACT! 2009 (11.0) caused exceptions.
- In some cases, check and repair within ACT! caused database error. Now, users will get an option to perform a more extensive repair with potential data loss, or call tech support for further assistance.
- Custom defined multi-select dropdown lists sometimes added additional values if several items were selected by default, causing the list to show more than what was available.
- • ACT! for Palm OS® 3.0 is not compatible with ACT! 2009 (11.1). ACT! 2009
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
What the heck is Twitter?
Thursday, February 5, 2009
Outlook & ACT! integration
Helped a client this morning where the integration between Microsoft Outlook and ACT! kept being lost. I would fix it and it would work that day, then drop the next day. VERY frustrating for both client and I.
With the help of this ACT! KB article: ACT! icons & tabs not appearing in Outlook, we overcame part 1 of the issue, and then with a little scripting I've setup that workstation to keep a known good copy of the ACT! preferences and use that to overwrite the current preferences on each start-up of the workstation - that solved part 2 of the issue.
The ACT! preferences are kept in %appdata%\ACT\Act for Windows\
Another possible solution is found here: Preference Settings for Word Processor, E-mail, and Customization is Not Retained after Restarting Your Computer - although not helpful for time for me.
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
Custom layouts with Durkin Toolkit
I've been deploying an ACT! database with custom tables using the Durkin Toolkit.
Although having done this before, I once again found that I'd forgotten to copy the customised forms.
Here is how you get the customised forms (layouts) onto the workstations and laptops using RDB's (Remote Databases) - you need to copy the files from
DatabaseLocation\DatabaseName-database files\Layouts\_Toolkit\
on the server hosting the ACT! database to the same location on the workstation.
Thus if your ACT! database on the server is at D:\Data\ACT\Yourdatabase.pad
the location would be D:\Data\ACT\Yourdatabase-database files\Layouts\_Toolkit\
and you would copy it to the workstation with the RDB to, for example: C:\ACT\Yourdatabase-database files\Layouts\_Toolkit\
Hoping that helps some of you trying to find where those layouts went...
Friday, January 23, 2009
Scheduling tasks for others
When you schedule a task for others in ACT!, you get a drop-down list of people you have permission to schedule for. No problem, but what about when staff leave?
There are a couple of things to do here but deleting their user record is NOT one of them. Make the user 'inactive' - do not delete them, the reasons why are the subject for another post another time.
However, this means that they are still in the above mentioned list, you can still see them in the list of people you can schedule for.
I've seen some people rename the user from "USERNAME" to "zzUSERNAME" so that the appear at the end of the list, but it's nice to be neater, right? Yes, I'm glad you agree ;-)
In fact it is a really simple solution that works perfectly (thanks to KR for the pointer). You simply edit the user and change their security role from "Standard" (or whatever it was) to "Browse".
They now no longer appear in the list. Now that's neat.